All workers, female and male have a right to choose among a full range of occupations, not just those dictated by tradition. For women, many of the highest paying careers are nontraditional. Women in non-traditional jobs typically earn 20-30% more than women in traditional occupations, and, over a lifetime of work, they will earn 150% more. For men, non-traditional occupations may not provide higher wages. However, these occupations can be a means for advancing to higher-wage jobs such as business owners, school administrators, and managers.
Nontraditional refers to occupations or fields of work, including careers in computer science, technology, and other emerging high skill occupations, for which individuals from one gender comprise less than 25% of the individuals employed in each such occupation or field of work.
Promoting nontraditional training and employment opportunities opens doors for every individual. It breaks the mold of old expectations and allows all learners to explore a wide range of career options in an atmosphere free from stereotypes about gender and jobs (Kansas State Department of Education, 1999, p. ii). Recognizing the important role that increased participation and completion in nontraditional training and employment plays for the advancement of women and men.
- Labor Market Information
- Women in Nontraditional Employment Roles
- US Department of Labor Women's Bureau
- Women's Work: Men who do nontraditional Jobs
- A Man in a Woman's World
- Men in Nursing
- Attracting Women to STEM Careers
- Attracting Women to MoveMaker
- Scientist Spotlight Homework Assignments Shift Students’ Stereotypes of Scientists
- Non-Traditional Students Brief
- Her Own Words: Women in Nontraditional Careers
- National Institute for Women in Trades, Technology & Science
- Nontradtional Careers for Men
- Measuring the Professional Gender Gap
- Ed Source School Stability for Foster Youth
- National Center for Women Information and Technology