What about Perkins?
The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) requires that states and local districts address the needs of special population students. The act allows for 10 percent of the federal grant award to be used on state leadership activities. The Joint Special Populations Advisory Committee is a leadership grant that supports CTE administrators, faculty, counselors, K-Adult instructors, equity specialist/coordinators, CTE coordinators and grant coordinators in the preparation for non-traditional fields in current and emerging professions, and other activities that expose students, related to special populations, to high skill, high wage occupations.
Perkins special population students are defined as:
- Individual with disabilities
- English Learners
- Single parents, including single pregnant women
- Non-traditional fields
- Out-of-the Workforce
- Economically Disadvantage to include low-income youth and adults
- Homeless individuals; youth who are in, or have aged out of the foster care system; and youth with an active military parent to the special populations' definition

- Perkins V. NAPE Summary of Equity Provisions related to CTE
- NAPE Perkins V State Equity Gap Analysis
- California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office
- California Community Colleges Perkins Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment Information
- Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V)
- Overview of Equity in Perkins (5) by NAPE - Webinar
- California Department of Education
- California CTE and CE 2019 Profile Secondary and Post Secondary
- About Perkins IB Title Leadership Grants